Looking for DB to query a multi-sheet Excel file
(too old to reply)
Felix Becerra
2006-09-15 05:34:09 UTC
Is there a DB solution that will query a sizeable excel file with multiple
worksheets. Can anyone recommend a DB program that will do this?

Or is there a custom script I can buy/download anywhere?

Thanks in advance!
Master Blaster
2006-09-16 17:38:05 UTC
[This followup was posted to comp.database.oracle]

While wandering through cyberspace on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 01:34:09 -0400,
Felix Becerra said
Post by Felix Becerra
Is there a DB solution that will query a sizeable excel file with multiple
worksheets. Can anyone recommend a DB program that will do this?
Or is there a custom script I can buy/download anywhere?
Thanks in advance!
There is a Perl module that you can use to process an excel spreadsheet.
You should be able to easily locate it under CPAN.
